Why Is My Water Pressure Low?

When the water pressure in your home is low, it can make it difficult to do something as simple as taking a shower. It’ll be tough to get shampoo out of your hair when the water pressure in your home just isn’t cutting it. There are times when the water pressure in your plumbing system might dip due to a broken water main somewhere in the vicinity of your home. However, there are also instances in which a problem with your plumbing system can cause low water pressure. Here are a few of the most common causes of it.

You have a leak somewhere in your plumbing system.

If the water pressure in your home is low, it could be an indication that you have a leak somewhere in your plumbing system. Check some of the obvious spots like under your sinks and down in your basement to see if you find a leak. Take a look at your home’s water meter, too, to see if it’s running even when you’re not using any water in your home. This will let you know that a leak is likely to blame for your low water pressure.

You have a problem with your hot water heater.

Does your water pressure only get low when you’re trying to use hot water in your home? If this is the case, you probably have a problem with your home’s hot water heater. A hot water heater will wear down over time and can drag your water pressure down when it nears the end of its life cycle. It’s always best to call on a professional plumber to inspect your hot water heater if you suspect it might be the source of your water pressure problems.

You have an issue with your pressure reducing valve.

Your plumbing system has a pressure reducing valve somewhere in the area where water enters your home through your main water line. You can adjust this valve to increase or decrease your home’s water pressure. Nevertheless, if the valve isn’t working properly or is broken, it can affect the water pressure in your home. The valve will need to be repaired or replaced altogether to get your water pressure back to normal.

If the water pressure in your home is low, don’t ignore the problem. It could be the sign of a more serious plumbing issue somewhere in your house. Call Brutinel Plumbing at 520-836-5802 today to have a plumber come and figure out why your water pressure is so low. We can make the necessary plumbing repairs to get your system back up and running again.


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